Sunday, August 26, 2018

'The Acuity of Hindsight' John McCain

“I am the luckiest guy on earth. I have served America’s cause – the cause of our security and the security of our friends, the cause of freedom and equal justice – all my adult life. I haven’t always served it well. I haven’t even always appreciated what I was serving. But among the few compensations of old age is the acuity of hindsight. I see now that I was part of something important that drew me along in its wake even when I was diverted by other interests. I was, knowingly or not, along for the ride as America made the future better than the past.

– from Sen. John McCain's remarks at the 2017 Liberty Medal Ceremony

John McCain on Navy Reads, including his "found haiku." 
Senator McCain was a Vietnam Veteran and former Prisoner of War. He was the son of two four-star admirals and an American patriot. McCain passed away Aug. 25, 2018, four days before his 82nd birthday.

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