Saturday, January 31, 2015

Haiku of Marshawn Lynch, Philosophers

Compiled by Bill Doughty

You can find haiku in the spoken and written words of people, from Marshawn Lynch and Bill Belichick to Lao Tzu and Aristotle. Here are some recent "found haiku" – poetry that says a lot in a few words: Three lines, generally 5-7-5 syllables.
These haiku were found in actual quotes from Seattle Seahawks and New England Patriots along with some thoughts expressed by great thinkers/philosophers.
Marshawn Lynch:
"If you're forced to do
something, it's not as good as
if you choose to do it"

"Man is a social
animal; either [he is]
a beast or a god"

Bill Belichick:
"As you go forward
... love life, be happy ...
chase your dreams, have fun"

Lao Tzu:
"If you do not change
direction, you may end up
where you are heading"

Russell Wilson:
"I have faith ... I love
trying to visualize
being successful"

Dwight D. Eisenhower:
"In preparing for
battle I have always found
that plans are useless
(but planning is indispensable)"

Psalmist King David (from MLK):
"He that would love life
and see good days, let him keep
his tongue from evil"

Bill Belichick:
"The greatest leaders
I've coached just ... do their job with
a good attitude"

George Orwell:
"A man who gives a
good account of himself is
probably lying"

Rob Gronkowski:
"Being out there with 
your teammates, you win as a 
team, lose as a team"

Richard Dawkins:
"DNA neither
cares nor knows; [it] just is ... we
dance to its music"

Marshawn Lynch:
"Thank you for asking ...
I'm just 'bout that action, boss ...
You know why I'm here"

Martin Luther King Jr. (from Amos)
"Let justice roll down
like waters, and righteousness
like a mighty stream"

Bill Parcells:
"Don't worry about
it; it's just a bunch of guys
with an odd-shaped ball"

I'm posting this on the eve of the 49th Superbowl. It's only the second Navy Reads post this month. (Been doing a lot of reading.)

Coming up soon: a review of the CNO-selected "Leading with the Heart: Coach K's Successful Strategies for Basketball, Business, and Life," another focus on a Pearl Harbor Survivor Navy Veteran, and a review of Taylor Branch's "Pillar of Fire."

For more "found haiku," click and check out these discoveries from the words of Abraham Lincoln.

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